Jumat, November 20, 2009

Chladni Plate

Chladni Plate
Edwin Wise | Make Vol. 16- 2008 | Pdf | 11 pgs | 3 mb
Use a broken speaker, bits of wire, and
tape to prepare a coneless voice coil
driver, then use it to generate standing
waves on a sheet of metal, making
sound visible. Magic!

My knowledgeable friend Robin once
said that you don't need to worry about
having too big an audio amplifier,
because speakers are usually damaged
by under-powered amps working too hard
and clipping the signal, creating rough
square waves with too much power.
I learned that this is true when I melted
a speaker's coil by running a strong
20Hz signal through it, to drive a vortex
cannon (MAKE, Volume 15, page 114).

On the bright side, I now had a nice
speaker magnet to use as the foundation
for something else I wanted to try,
a Chladni plate!


Rick and Megan Prelinger couldn't find a library
with what they wanted, so they made their own
R.U. Sirius | Make Vol. 16- 2008 | Pdf | pgs | mb
It's an overcast Monday afternoon as I arrive at
8th and Folsom in San Francisco's seedy, bohe-
mian SOMA district. I find 3018th Street and then
buzz Room 215. A voice says hello. I tell him who
I am and he buzzes me in. I take an elevator to the
second floor, walk past several closed offices, and
enter a small room packed to the rafters with four
rows of shelves filled with books stacked 15 feet
high. This is not your typical 21st-century urbane.
haute-culture library.

The Prelinger Library (prelingerlibrary.org) is
the brainchild of Megan Shaw Prelinger and Rick
Prelinger. Founded in 2004, it's a DIY, appropriation-
friendly, intuitive, and highly personalized context for
organizing and sharing this couple's books, periodi-
cals, printed ephemera (like obscure government
documents from the Department of Indian Affairs),
and - most of all - their obsessions. In addition to
its physical presence in San Francisco. it has an on-
line presence of more than 3.000 scanned volumes
at the Internet Archive (archive.org).

Wheelchair Safety System

Wheelchair Safety System
Bryant Underwood | Make Vol. 16- 2008 | Pdf | 1 pgs | .4 mb
My daughter Katy uses an electric wheelchair
and last year she went off to college. Her mom and
I were concerned about Katy's safety in navigating
the campus -- she might get her chair stuck or have
some other type of trouble and not be able to get to
her cellphone.

So I used a Parallax microcontroller to control
a GSM cellphone as a "telematics" system for her
wheelchair. Inside the gray box mounted on the
back of her chair. I use the phone in speakerphone
mode with an external microphone and speaker.

Kamis, November 19, 2009

Malam Pertamaku

malam ini malam pertama buat aku
pertama kali membuktikan bahwa
engkau bukanlah SCAM
meski cuma sekian
bahagia rasanya hati ini
rasa penasaran
tuntas sudah

malam ini
malam pembuktian bagimu

terimakasih TUHAN
terimakasih untukmu... NEOBUX
salut untukmu... NEOBUX
juga buat ALERTPAY... thanks

semoga masih ada
malam-malam berikutnya
seperti malam ini

ah, asyiknya...
dua kali dapat

Instalasi Air Jet Blower Sederhana

Tandiono, ST., AMM Industrial Development PT Ekamant Indonesia menyebutkan bahwa hanya 40 persen mesin sander yang memiliki Air Jet Blower. Dan jumlah itu, diperkirakan hanya sekitar 20 persen yang masih berfungsi.

Temuan di lapangan memperlihatkan tak semua air jet blower yang ada berfungsi baik. Tak jarang ditemui tekanan angin yang dipergunakan hanya 1-2 bar. Akibatnya clogging tetap terjadi sehingga memperpendek usia pakai amplas. Ada kalanya air jet blower dimatikan dengan berbagai alasan.

MenurutTandiono, umumnya mesin sander hanya memiliki 1 unit air jet blower yang ditempatkan pada head terakhir. Headnya berupa pad yang digunakan untuk finishing. "Asumsinya beban kerja finishing dianggap lebih berat dibanding satu atau dua head sander sebelumnya," jelasnya. Itu sebabnya air jet blower dipasang di sini. Tujuannya memperpanjang usia pakai amplas di head ini. Tidak di head sebelumnya.

Padahal, perpanjangan usia pakai amplas sebenarnya tak hanya bisa dilakukan di head sander finishing. Tapi juga bisa dilakukan di head sander kalibrasi dan intermediate. Artinya ada upaya perpanjangan usia pakai amplas secara menyeluruh.

Menurut Tandiono, berfungsinya air jet blower merupakan salah satu faktor yang bisa memperpanjang usia pakai amplas. Faktor lain seperti rendahnya moisture content kayu, kekeringan amplas dan dust collector yang berfungsi baik.

Penginstalasian air jet blower sederhana ini cukup mudah karena hanya butuh pipa besi berdiameter 1/2 -1 inchi. Pipa harus tahan terhadap tekanan udara 4-6 bar, tekanan udara yang dibutuhkan agar dapat melepaskan serbuk kayu yang menempel pada permukaan amplas.

Lubangi pipa dengan sejumlah lubang-lubang kecil (nozzle). Jarak minimal antara lubang sesuai jarak tracking amplas, agar seluruh permukaan amplas dapat dibersihkan. Upayakan agar tembakan angin berlawanan dengan arah perputaran amplas sehingga diperoleh tekanan angin yang maksimal.

Agar maksimal maka dust collector pun harus berfungsi prima. Ini membantu tersedotnya ke atas serbuk kayu yang terlepas dari permukaan amplas akibat tembakan angin air jet blower. Agar tekanan angin mudah dikontrol, pasang Pressure Gauge dan Manometer. Lebih bagus lagi bila dilengkapi water filter, sehingga angin yang keluar dari kompresor tidak bercampur dengan air (lihat gambar).

Dengan memfungsikan air jet blower sederhana ini secara prima, usia pakai amplas bisa diperpanjang hingga 50%. Perpanjangan usia ini merupakan upaya penghematan yang
cukup signifikan, apalagi bila tidak terjadi di finishing head saja. Memfungsikannya harus dibarengi dengan perawatan rutin, sehingga mencegah penumpukan kotoran pada
noozlenya. "Bila tidak dibersihkan maka noozle akan mampet dalam 5-6 bulan," jelas Tandiono.

Dengan air jet blower sederhana ini, upaya penghematan pun sudah mulai bisa dilakukan. Perpanjangan usia pakai yang mencapai 50% tentu cukup membantu efisiensi perusahaan dalam waktu-waktu mendatang.

Woodmag, April 2007
Magazine for Ekamant's Premier Customer

Pole's-Eye View

Pole's-Eye View
William Gurstelle | Make Vol. 16- 2008 | Pdf | 9 pgs | 3 mb

Sometimes nothing is as important
as perspective. My goal in photography
is often to find a view no one else has
found, to be able to see things from
unusual and insightful vantage points.

The most practical way to obtain the
elusive aerial perspective is by attaching
a camera to a pole. While not trivial, it's
not complicated, either. Making a pole-
mounted camera rig like the Sky Eye
takes about a day, not including trips to
the store. You can make the rig and
use it the same day.

Make Vol. 15- 2008: Workshop

Make Vol. 15- 2008: Workshop
Pdf | 6 pgs | 2 mb

Rabu, November 18, 2009

5-Minute Foam Factory

5-Minute Foam Factory
Bob Knetzger | Make Vol. 16- 2008 | Pdf | 9 pgs | 3 mb
What keeps your coffee warm but also
rides the cold Pacific surf? What's in the
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame but makes an
annoying, squeaky sound? Even though
it's banned in over 100 cities, you can
find it just about everywhere. What is it?
It's expanded polystyrene (EPS) foam.

Styrofoam is a great insulator (for hot drink
cups and wall insulation), lightweight and
stiff, and impervious to water (great for
surfboards). Unfortunately, it's also
impractical to recycle and can be an
unsightly part of the waste stream. Our
landfills and waterways are filling up with
discarded coffee cups, store meat trays,
and take-out packaging.

With this easy hot-wire foam cutter, you
can reuse this leftover EPS foam to create
treasures from trash!

The Spinning Cylinder Illusion

The Spinning Cylinder Illusion
Donald Simanek | Make Vol. 16- 2008 | Pdf | 3 pgs | 1 mb
I've not been able to track down the origin of
this homemade toy, but it isn't very well known
outside the community of physics teachers. It's
a kinetic illusion, one that depends on physical
motion to make you see something that isn't there.

A familiar example of a kinetic illusion is the
strobe effect sometimes seen in old movies, causing
the spokes of a carriage wheel to seem to be turning
in the wrong direction.

In its simplest form, this toy consists of a hollow
cylinder of rigid plastic. The version in these photos
is 4cm long and 1cm in diameter, with 2mm wall
thickness. It was cut from a piece of polyethylene
plastic tubing that happened to be lying on my
workbench. Whatever tubing you use, be sure to
choose a very straight piece.

Flipping Faces

Flipping Faces
Reveal the assymetry in familiar features--- including your own
Erico Narita | Make Vol. 16- 2008 | Pdf | 2 pgs | .3 mb
None of us is perfectly symmetrical, but our eyes tend not to notice irregularities in faces we see many times. Anyone watching national TV news, for instance, had eight years to get familiar with Dick Cheney's lopsided grin, and a previous generation had an equal amount of time to get used to Ronald Reagan's crooked smile.

To see these features more clearly, select one half of the face and reflect it, so that the 2 sides become identical. Then select the other half and reflect that, and compare the 2 versions. The results will be surprising.

Selasa, November 17, 2009

Viva Easy-share !

this day is the beautiful day in my life
you know what? because of you..., easy-share
the day that i received my fee from you
the very very first payment for me
thanks GOD...!
thank you, easy-share...

although some peoples out there called me an 'abnormal' person because
using you, STAY ALIVE... FOREVER!!!

Best Regards
see you in the next payment, i surely hope so

Create an Insect Eye

Create an Insect Eye
Make a multifaceted image from any portrait photo
Charles Platt | Make Vol. 16- 2008 | Pdf | 2 pgs | .4 mb
I wanted an insect-eye effect in Photoshop, but I wasn't satisfied with the ones that I found as plugins. So I made my own. This procedure works with Photoshop 6 or later.

Shadowless Closeups

Shadowless Closeups
A simple setup for better auction photos
Charles Platt | Make Vol. 16- 2008 | Pdf | 2 pgs | .3 mb
A friend of mine used to take the photographs for the sales catalogs printed by Sotheby's, the old-school auction house. Since many of the items up for sale were worth tens of thousands of dollars, they had to look good.

When I'm selling little items on eBay, I think it's still worth taking a little trouble to enhance their appearance instead of just using a flash photo of something sitting on a kitchen table. The main thing I learned from my friend is that if you place an object on an elevated glass plate and use a large, diffuse light source, your object will seem to float in space instead of sitting on its own shadow.

Sparky 2: No Sellout

Sparky 2: No Sellout
My robotic alter ego steps out -- open source
Marque Cornblatt | Make Vol. 16- 2008 | Pdf | 4 pgs | 2 mb
I spent much of my childhood dismantling toys
and gadgets and cobbling them back together in
interesting ways. One proud example combined
a slot car, a one-function wireless remote, a 9-volt
battery, and a few fabricated gears and bits to
create (in my mind, in the early 80s) the world's
smallest remote control car.

The 2-inch vehicle was top-heavy and had too
much torque, but it accelerated violently to the
right every time I pressed the remote button -- it
worked! - until it finally tore itself apart, like a tiny
top-fuel dragster. In my mind it was a success, and
it sparked my lifelong interest in interactive, kinetic

Senin, November 16, 2009

Alien Projector

Alien Projector
Brian McNamara | Make Vol. 16- 2008 | Pdf | 1 pgs | .2 mb
This simple projector shines an image of an alien
on the wall. It uses an LED as the light source and
projects an image varying in size from a few inches
to several feet.The simple circuit consists of only a
battery, resistor, switch, and LED.

24 Hours of Make: Television

24 Hours of Make: Television
Building a TV show is a project in itself
Dale Dougherty | Make Vol. 16- 2008 | Pdf | 4 pgs | 1 mb
It's already late on a Sunday in September in
St. Paul, Minn. In the studios of Twin Cities Public
Television (TPT), there are ten people working
on Make: television, a new PBS show that will be
a companion to this magazine.

The set is a workshop, within a larger workshop
normally used for set construction. The team is
shooting a build for Maker Workshop, the segment
that shows viewers how to make something in each
episode. It's important to get this segment right. It's
like demonstrating a recipe on a cooking show, but
the ingredients and the process are more technical.


Turn your favorite blonde into a silk-screened glamour queen
James Grant | Make Vol. 16- 2008 | Pdf | 2 pgs | .3 mb
When Andy Warhol made his famous silk-screened prints of Marilyn Monroe, he started with a simple idea: use a high-contrast black-and-white photo, and overprint it with bold swatches of color. Is that idea simple enough for us to emulate it with modern image-editing software? Let's find out. This will work in Photoshop 6 or later versions.

Minggu, November 15, 2009

Surface Mount Soldering

Surface Mount Soldering
Techniques for making modern circuits
Scott Driscoll | Make Vol. 16- 2008 | Pdf | 8 pgs | 2 mb
When cellphones were housed in briefcases,
manufactured electronics had easy-to-solder
leads. Now phones fit in pockets, and the smaller
surface-mount devices (SMDs) inside are driving
through-hole components into extinction.

SMDs can cost less than their old-school equiva-
lents, and many newer devices, including most
accelerometers, are only available in SMD format.

If you design printed circuit boards, using
SMT (surface-mount technology) and putting
components on both sides makes them cheaper
and smaller. This may not matter on a robot, but it
helps a project fit into a mint tin or hang off a kite.

SMDs are designed for precise machinery to
mass-assemble onto densely packed PCBs. Their
tiny leads may look impossible for human hands
to work with, but there are several good, relatively
inexpensive methods that don't require a $1,000-
and-up professional SMT soldering station.

Make Vol. 15- 2008: Home

Make Vol. 15- 2008: Home
Pdf | 6 pgs | 2 mb

My Daughter's DNA

My Daughter's DNA
One father's search for the scientific answers
that no one seemed to have

Hugh Young Rienhoff Jr. | Make Vol. 15- 2008 | Pdf | 4 pgs | 2 mb
If you scrape the inside of your cheek
with a pop-sicle stick and mix it with a few homely
salts and a shot of grain alcohol, you'll see a
fluffy cloud of material floating in the glass.
It looks like cotton, but it's really the code of
you. DNA is deceptively ordinary-looking.

The human genome - the totality of each person's
genes within their body - is a vast chemical space
with 6.6 billion bits of DNA information that con-
stitutes genetically what we are as Homo sapiens.
In that vastness, it's easy for a single deviant bit of
DNA to hide. I suspected that. like many of those
with genetic conditions, my daughter also had a
single DNA base that was awry. Finding that variant
is like looking for a single person in a world of 6 billion
people. It's a near-impossible task unless you have
clues for where to look, for which genes might be
altered. Clues like this always begin with the patient.