KEMATIAN mendadak King of Pop, Michael Jackson, tanggal 25 Juni 2009, menurut perkiraan sementara akibat gagal jantung membuat kaget kita semua, terlebih lagi bagi para penggemarnya. Cukup lama namanya tenggelam di blantika musik dunia, yang muncul hanyalah berita-berita gosip seputar hidupnya. Padahal beberapa minggu lagi Jacko akan manggung di O2, London, Inggris. Penampilannya kali ini yang bertajuk 'This is it', diklaim Jacko sebagai penampilannya yang terakhir. Tapi sayang... yang Maha Kuasa lebih dulu memanggilnya.
Good bye, Jack! We love u 4ever!
Bagi anda penggemarnya, ada banyak cara untuk mengekspresikan rasa sedih, pilu atau kehilangan atas kepergiannya. Tabloid The Sun, Inggris, menyediakan ruang khusus untuk itu. Di bawah ini saya petik salah satunya, silakan disimak.

27/06/2009 16:47:56
bye bye michael
tell me WHO IS IT that can say FAREWELL MY SUMMER LOVE to THE MAN IN THE MIRROR...whos music whether you are BLACK OR WHITE, touched most of HUMAN NATURE. From the 123s and the ABCs, and the banging BAD, ROCKIN ROBIN and BEN, his music was OFF THE WALL and was truly A SMOOTH CRIMINAL of the musical world. FOR ALL THE THINGS YOU ARE, the critics can BEAT IT, the man was a THRILLER both on stage and off it!! So wont BLAME IT ON THE BOOGIE, will be grateful for the sunshine, coz your music has caused many a good time. But my friend it is A BRAND NEW DAY and you are no longer here, and some want to SCREAM, and some want to CRY, LEAVE ME ALONE, today there AINT NO SUNSHINE. THE WAY YOU MAKE ME FEEL, ANOTHER PART OF ME knows that i can still ROCK WITH YOU, so people, DONT STOP TIL YOU GET ENOUGH... CAN YOU FEEL IT... DONT STOP... like BILLIE JEAN said YOUR THE ONE!!!! rip michael with love from a fan xxxxxxxxxxxx
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